Nolan Leonard

Advice for Freshmen Orchestra:
Y’all, don’t be so worried or nervous. It’s actually a family that you can come to and tell all your problems to. I was skeptical at first because I had the feeling of how could a class come close to a family. But orchestra is something that you are stuck, I MEAN, taking part in for your entire high school career. Those people that are to your left and right are going to be your family by the end of the year, trust me.
I like to take part in photography and head out with a volleyball every now and then.
Favorite Grassfield Orchestra Memory:
My favorite memory was Orchestra prom on my Sophomore trip to Disney. It was so much freaking fun, I was able to get on the dance floor and actually dance with people instead of there being this huge mosh pit in the middle of the dance floor. You know what I am talking about.
A Strange Talent No One Really Knows About:
I can kinda dance, only kinda though.
Most Influential Person:
In all honesty, God. He’s been there my whole life, making sure I didn’t do something stupid that could get me somewhere I don’t wanna be.
If My Life Had a Soundtrack, the First Song Would Be:
I Like the Sound of That- Rascal Flats
Plans After Graduation:
Going straight the University and figuring out what I want to do for the rest of my life.
Molli Heisler

Advice for Freshmen Orchestra:
Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and enjoy the ride!
Playing tennis and field hockey, eating hot fudge sundaes, and riding horses!
Favorite Grassfield Orchestra Memory:
Watching the fireworks show and eating Mickey Mouse shaped waffles in Disney World with my best friends!!
A Strange Talent No One Really Knows About:
Riding a unicycle
Most Influential Person:
My mom and dad, who always believe in me, even when I don’t believe in myself
If My Life Had a Soundtrack, the First Song Would Be:
Small Town Saturday Night by Hal Ketchum
Plans After Graduation:
Going to college and seeing where life takes me 🙂
Nathaniel Boone

Cello, Guitar & Piano
Advice for Freshmen Orchestra:
Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there in fear of falling short of people’s expectations
Doodling, watching and critiquing movies, and camping
Favorite Grassfield Orchestra Memory:
Helping Sydney prank Andrew in their prank war with during the Orlando Trip in 2019
A Strange Talent No One Really Knows About:
I can play the harmonica
Most Influential Person:
I take inspiration from the Marvel hero Spiderman because he was a kid that would do everything in his power to help others even if it meant sacrificing his own comfort. Even then, he had fun doing it cracking jokes and messing around with his friends and enemies
If My Life Had a Soundtrack, the First Song Would Be:
The Entertainment’s Here by AJR
Plans After Graduation:
Attending ODU majoring in Pre-Medical Biology
Gabriel Bush

Advice for Freshmen Orchestra:
Do not be afraid of embarrassing yourself, take risks.
Reading, playing video games, working on school work, and spending time with family and friends
Favorite Grassfield Orchestra Memory:
The first few weeks of freshman orchestra were possibly my favorite memories. I did not know anybody at the school, but during Mr. V’s class we participated in icebreakers where I have met some of my best friends in high school
A Strange Talent No One Really Knows About:
My shoulders are double jointed, so I can slightly contort them
Most Influential Person:
My older brother has been a major role model to me. He has inspired me to apply to the United States Air Force Academy, where he is currently attending, and to serve my country honorably.
If My Life Had a Soundtrack, the First Song Would Be:
Under Pressure by Logic
Plans After Graduation:
I plan to attend the United States Air Force Academy, later enlist into the United States Air Force, and become an aircraft designer.
Lillian Fosdick

Advice for Freshmen Orchestra:
Chill out PLEASE!
love hiking and going to the beach
Favorite Grassfield Orchestra Memory:
when we did a light show in the Disney stadium
A Strange Talent No One Really Knows About:
3 leaf clover with my tongue
Most Influential Person:
my mother who taught me how to survive in an unforgiving world
If My Life Had a Soundtrack, the First Song Would Be:
Animals by Martin Garrix
Plans After Graduation:
Capria Davis

Advice for Freshmen Orchestra:
Keep an open mind and have fun!
Competition Dancer
Favorite Grassfield Orchestra Memory:
Making new friends
A Strange Talent No One Really Knows About:
I speak many languages
Most Influential Person:
My mom
If My Life Had a Soundtrack, the First Song Would Be:
Summer Walker
Plans After Graduation:
Vacation, college
Erika Gustavson

Advice for Freshmen Orchestra:
To just have fun in orchestra and not be afraid to show your true self
Swimming, collecting houseplants, crocheting
Favorite Grassfield Orchestra Memory:
The lip sync battle at progressive dinner
A Strange Talent No One Really Knows About:
I know how to sew
Most Influential Person:
My mom
If My Life Had a Soundtrack, the First Song Would Be:
Believe by Shawn Mendes
Plans After Graduation:
Go to Virginia Tech!
Jatoria Morris

Advice for Freshmen Orchestra:
Practice more and be more confident in yourself
Writing, watching anime, reading manga, manhwa, manhua, webtoons, webcomics, hanging out with my mommy and my sister Nevaeh, selling sweets and food when working my family business events
Favorite Grassfield Orchestra Memory:
My favorite memory was when I met all of my friends in orchestra
A Strange Talent No One Really Knows About:
Being able to make people feel good with out much effort (per so my mom)
Most Influential Person:
My mommy is the most influential person in my life
If My Life Had a Soundtrack, the First Song Would Be:
Hero – Tomohiro Suzuki
Plans After Graduation:
I plan on going to online college and work for my family business while thinking of a type of business I want to own
Karsen Gray

Advice for Freshmen Orchestra:
Get ready to work hard, and meet your lifelong friends
Singing, watching Netflix, and getting Dunkin
Favorite Grassfield Orchestra Memory:
Not being sick on the Disney trip 🤩
A Strange Talent No One Really Knows About:
I can make my tongue do weird shapes
Most Influential Person:
My mom, when I was struggling with anything, she helps me and gives me courage
If My Life Had a Soundtrack, the First Song Would Be:
Congratulations – Post Malone
Plans After Graduation:
Going to ECU!! Go Pirates!! 💜💛
We applaud you! We want to recognize all of our Grassfield Orchestra seniors, but we need your information. Make sure you fill out the Senior Shout-Out form.